Tuesday 17 March 2009

Pepsi flavoured things.

Yummy, I wish more things were pepsi flavoured....That would be swell!

Here we are again, Back at this dusty blog of nothingness, My last REAL update was back in 2008: I'm such a lazy sod!

But anyway, Here something to tide my invisable readers over with.

First off, A very belated happy new year! Hope you kept your resolutions now! I didn't, I broke mine within the hour and that's not that hard to do, I just can't help but crack my knuckles. Even if I'm just leaning on things! They crack anyway! Sheeeeesh.

Pepsi MAX. Pepsi MAX is awesome: Seriously! I can't stop drinking the stuff. Mmmmmmm, That's some good drinkin'. Ah well, At least I'm not boozing the night away like a few people I know and used to love.

Now onto some of my 'newly aquired' obsessions, Metal gear solid! I've always loved Metal gear solid, Ever since I used to play the awesome little demo disc I owned...Until it broke. But now Thanks to Claire the great (Hello! I know you read this! See! See! I complimented you <3), I've reawakened old obsessions mixed with new hightened fangirl senses. Psycho Mantis, Vulcan raven and Revolver Ocelot. 3 of the best characters of all time. Seriously! I've been drawing them like mad...Espcially young Ocelot. How could such a good looking young man decay so badly? D:

Another thing! Ape escape one is one of the best games ever, If you don't agree with me: Kindly slam your head in a door now and keep going until you're concussed enough to listen to what I have to say. It's the best of thebest of the best of the best, It's just that much fun! It was original, ingenious and just plain fun for everyone!...And Specter had the most amazing voice in the PAL version. It actually made him sound decently crazy instead of some pansy-ass douche in the US version. I'll stick to my british voices. Thank you very much, Mr president!

As you can tell, I'm slightly high. I blame Cajun squirrel crisps. They're so damn gooooooood! NumNumnumnum. Speaking of Cajun! Cajun fox! He's awesome, I love Courage the cowardly dog. Another one of my recent obsessions! Thanks again to Claire the great. xD

It's so complex, Espcially for a kids show. The villains are magnificent! Katz espcially! He's so sinister and devious for such a show. And who could forget the nauuuuughty Freaky fred? I just love him to bits (Fangirl alert, Slap me now) Gaaah! I need to draw them all or I'll explode!

This has probably been made so much easier by the fact that I finally have an internet connection in my room! Now I no longer have to fight with my freaking brother just to check my freaking emails! Freaking sweet!

Nownow, Onto my last and final paragraph! Finally! School. It's getting better! I'm at the end of my run! I don't feel depressed just thinking about the damn place anymore! All I have to finish off is my Media production unit and my art folios and collage application and I'm home freaking freeee!

Amy C out!~

Wednesday 11 March 2009


A profile for my little Booky herself.

Comment and rate plz, I really need the character advice. Espcially on her backstory, Just incase I need to chang anything.

Character Name: Booky

Full Name: Unknown.

Nick Names: Booky, Books, Boo, Bookster, Trousersnake, Boobs.

Gender: Female

Age: Appears 17 although her actual age is somewhat closer to 17,000

Birthday/year: Unknown, Though she likes to have a party to celebrate something like that in the autumn

Sexual preference: She's a perfectly happy pansexual, Always swinging here and there.

Marital Status: Single.

Spouse: She wishes!

Hair: Firey red, Very uneven and layered; She probably cut it herself.

Eyes: Grey.

Origin: She usually just says "Far away." but She was born on Odeyssus, A planet far away from Earth.

Language: Her vocabulary switches from very casual english to an older archaic form of it when she's angry.

Blood Type: Unknown.

Height: Around 5'3"

Weight/Body Structure/Physical Faults: She's of a curvy build with bits of puppy fat on various parts of her body, Her legs are far stronger than her arms so she can't lift/push very heavy objects, though she can push them with her legs.

Scars/Noticeable markings: Her body is littered with various battle scars.

Race/Species: A Pixie.

Parents/Elders/Guardians: She will not speak of her elder ever! She hates her elder with every fibre of her being.

Siblings: N/A

Friends/Allies: She socialises with many people throughout time as part of her job but she only has a very select few that she considers actual friends, Such as Manic.

Enemies: Anyone and everyone that: She doesn't trust, She's told to take out, That mess with the timelines and/or attempt to control time

Beliefs/Religion: She believes that spirits, gods and demons are out there but She believes that people control their own destines and that nothing is written.

Career/Past Careers: She was once training to be a time warrior under her elder but now she is the universal diety of Time.

Dreams/Life Goals: To protect Time until it's end.

Hobbies: Sleeping, Hanging out with Manic, Dressing up, Sparring, Reading

Loves: Pepsi max, Video games, Cookies/cake, Tribal rituals, Really long coats, Doctor who, Stripey stuff, Gangsters, Military stuff.

Likes: Wild west stuff, Movies, Strawberries, The colour red, Clocks, Heavy metal.

Dislikes: Wannabe-heros, Little-goody-two-shoes, Injustice, Hypocrites (Though she is a really big one!), Most alcohol, Ice cream with nuts in it, MOST things with nuts in them

Loathes: Vampires and Ninjas, Nosey people, Time meddlers, Time machines!, People trying to move in on her job, Most of her assistants.

Fears: The future, The thought of being lonely forever, The universals, Spiders and spider-like creatures, Bees

Strengths: Determined, Stubborn, Cares about those close to her, Handy in a fight, Passionate

Weakness: Horrible temper, Blows up at the slightest thing, Doesn't trust easily, Can't shut up, VERY curious about others but secretive about herself, Quite selfish at times, Spaces out a lot, Can be quite lazy sometimes, Hypocrite, Can get very violent if things don't go her way.

Good Qualities: Cares about those close to her, Can see the good quailties in people, Likes to make people smile, Very very protective of her friends.

Bad Habits: Casually swears too much, Her temper gets her and those around her into very bad situations, Highly attracted to danger, Flirts with everyone and anyone! Likes to kiss people, Espcially if they're good-looking/or will get a fun reaction.

Turn Ons: People who make her smile and laugh, Someone who knows what she likes, Being cooked a nice meal, Bright eyes, People that play hard to get,

Turn Offs: People with bad hygene, Manky teeth, Just plain ignorance,

Normal Talents: Can sleep for hours on end, Can pull off a handstand, Very good fighter, Capable of wiggling her ears in almost every direction

Supernatural Powers & Abilities: Can control time and the flow of time around things, Can use that in battle, Able to traverse through the timelines/dimentions,

Background: She was raised on the planet Odeysuss, But was born during a horrific civil war that threatened the very exsistance of the residents and their lives. She was raised like most children of the that time, To be warriors to fight for their causes and she was chosen to be raised under the time elder, Skeli. When the war began to near it's climax and the citizens began to die, Skeli took Booky to the temple of the universe and told her that he planned to open it and put an end to the war with the ledgendary power contained within. He ended up sending Booky inside out of cowardice, As the powers was rumoured to be carring a terrible curse along with it and she came into contact with the power within the temple: "The gift of the universe". It hightened her powers to an uncontrollable level and she unleashed it upon the planet. When she came to...She found everyone to be dead, Even her cowardly elder. Feeling betrayed and full of sorrow from her actions she tried to take her own life inside the temple. The universe didn't take too kindly upon her actions and intervened. They devised a cruel punishment for her: Making her the sole protector of time, Forced to live on forever, protecting timelines and living with the genocide she committed. She's been doing her job for nearly 17,000 years and she keeps on picking up and ditching the various people that the universe throws at her to help her deal with troublesome timelines, She hadn't met ONE assistant that she actually liked until one day She ended up befriending a strange little monkey called Manic in a bar over a glass of milk and hasn't really been able shake her off since, She's glad for the company and the help that Manic provides with her job though. She currently works to stop the creation of time machines, timetravellers screwing up the timelines and to change an oncoming merge and destruction of the timelines that the universe has forseen.

Rate please. D: