Tuesday 2 September 2008

First post!

Well. It has finally come down to this.

I have caved in and gotten myself one of these new-fangled blog things, Curse you youngsters and your online diaries! I haven't even introduced myself yet: How rude of me! Oh well, First impressions are supposed to count so here goes nothing!

H, I'm Booky but as you may have already gathered: That is my screename. My real name is Amy, You may call me that if you wish but whichever is cool with me. I'm living out my life, Just trying to survive my last year at high school and just barely making it. I mean, That shithole depresses me to no end. It may just be the fact that it's my last year, Or that they don't give us the help they need, Or that I'm just feeling trapped and confined by that tiny school. The last is more than likely: I'd florish in a college atmosphere and I'd being doing things I love!

I'd love to work with children, Because despite what I say and do. I love the little beasts to bits. I'm probably gonna go for a childcare degree at stevenson and possibly do Illustration on the side. I haven't introduced you to my favourite hobby and one of my many passions of the moment: Drawing. I love to draw, Give me a pen and paper and I'll make the best I can with it. I may post up some work here but more than likely this place will be used for a rantbucket if something bad happens and I don't have the courage to talk to my friends.

I swear there's something wrong about that, I just can't seem to pluck up that little bit of extra courage to tell my friends when I'm truly feeling down, I'd love to! I know they'll make me feel better...Hell, I'm usually the first to complain about everything! So why can't I speak up? I feel embarrassed and around 2 inches tall when I do. I'm guessing it's just my HUGE pride getting in the way...Did I mention that I get distrated easily? I've veered right off topic. Where was I? Oh yeah! This place will be a mini-rant bucket as well as a boring journal! Have fun reading it!

Comment please, I'd love to hear your opinions on which-what-ever. xD

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