Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Spiders and Cake.

Spiders: I hate them.

Y'know what I also hate? People who don't read the desription of a picture. Fffft, That's one of my pet peeves: It makes them look stupid and the picture seem pointless. As the desc usually has SOME meaning people! Ahr, It's not even my own picture I'm talking about. It's a very good rant my friend posted as the description of her picture and no one even batted an eye-lid at it! Sheeeeesh, People are stupid. I'll rant on the journal later and see if they even look twice at it or something..I dunno, Possibly. xD

Anywho, On to another topic: I'm worried. What about you ask? My friend Morgan. She's going to doctors sometime this week about her mental health (depression, just plain out of itand whatnot.) and I'm worried sick about her! She's being harrassed by some people and I'm gonna give them hell for it when I catch them online again. Bloody pricks, They've started to get her all flustered and upset. I'm sick of people doing that to her, I told her all this last nighta nd she said that I sounded like her mother...I wasn't sure if that was a good thing but it made me giggle none the less.

And on another note: Happy birthday Chrys! She doesn't even read this but I thought I'd type it up somewhere! I'll post her giftart up here when I finish it for you and the rest of the interwebs to see, Hell: I'll probably post it up everywhere to maximise my chances of her seeing it before the day is out.

Ack, I'm so excited: I'm going to see Mirrors either on Saturday or Friday with my friends! They know who they are...I CAN SEE YOU, Y'KNOW. I can't wait for it though! Horror films scare the buhjeesus out of me but I love them all the same! And I get to rape Keifer Sutherland with my eyes, Purrrrrr. Why are all the actors the sexy ones?! The ones I don't have a chance with outside of my imagination! Murrr, Oh well. I still have my imagination and that's all that matters.

In other news: I'M BLOODY FREEZING! Why did the school boilers have to break down now?! Gas heaters suck! I'm gagging on the fumes and I can't concentrate in the blistering cold. Although, Art class wasn't as cold as I thought it would be. Probably because I was dancing with my friend most of the time...While tearing my shirt to pieces..I'll but mum isn't going to be too pleased with me. xD

Ah, I finally got Hercules on DVD today! I love that movie more than anything, I can't wait to watch it when I finally get my tv to myself. My mum keeps hogging to watch her austrailian soaps: Speaking of which...I wonder if the pyromaniac has been caught yet.

I really do wish that my cough would clear up and my sore throat would vanish. Then I could start singing again, I tried last night and nearly died of a coughing fit. I wanna polish up my voice again so that I can convince another friend of mine to start singing with me, I've only heard him sing once and he's fantastic...Though he denies it violently.

And finally, I've been churning away in my little head. Buring myself deep into my own little world full of magic and wonder and I've pulled out this!

Isn't she pretty? This is "Gasoline!" My new character [She's a bat by the way. Incase you didn't get that.] I've already made up a small story for her that I can't really be bothered posting here at the moment but I will let you in on a few things right now. She's a singer/songwriter and quite the pleasant little media whore, A little on the lonely side though.

Anywho! Onto my main problem: Colouration! I'm gonna post up the same sketch with a bit of colour slabbed onto it later just to see what you think.

But anywho! I'll do that later, Got work to do now! Ciao!

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