Wednesday 12 November 2008

Winter bordom.

That I am.

It's 5th period! The days pass so quickly now, Is is because of winter? No... It's because of idle chit-chat to idle people about meaningless things? No... It's becuase I'm so totally engrossed in Redemption!

Redemption, It's this novel I picked up in a charity shop for around £1 (Great value!) It's a crime thriller and I just can't put it down. It's keeping me totally glued to the pages.

And if I'm not reading that then I'm either doing my homework (Boring.) I have three essays for monday...Let's see if I can do them for friday,eh?! Or I'm drawing and practically eating my widget-baby (My mp3 player...My guidence teacher called it a widget..and I called it my baby..So the new name was born!)

I'm also finished my brand new Grim adventures/Underfist tribute! But youtube was being a ghey face last night and wouldn't upload it. I'm gonna try again today and bloody pray that it works! Gawdammit. xD

I came down with a spell of the winter blues on sunday night. So I was feeling pretty low for most if not all of Monday and most of tuesday. I'd just finished my period so I'm gonna blame that. I cheered up pretty quickly around lunchtime though when some little 3rd/4th year girl tried to bully me. She only comes up to my chesta nd she was trying to pick on me! I was laughing for the rest of the day...Infact I still am! Dear god...I love being me sometimes.

I'm cool. :B

Another thing, I'm totally getting a huge crush on a good friend of mine..I wanna throw a chair out of a window! I get over one crush and then another comes along! Wtf, I fail sometimes. xD If I ignore it, It'll go away. :3

Can't wait for the weekend! I'm not doing anything special...I just can't wait! I get to do whatever the hell I want and eat whatever I want whenever I want! I'm probably gonna fill my meter with South park stuff! Fanfiction etc etc. I'm probably gonna attempt some crappy fanart of Cartman and Butters too! I love that son of a bitch! XD

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