Wednesday 10 December 2008

Lucid dreams.

Disclaimer: This post is NOT about Lucid dreaming!..Mostly, I just had one this morning and it was one of the best dreams I've had in a long time, And for once there was minimal gore involved!

Well this has certainly been an interesting past...while. xD

Not been up to much save for schoolwork and Fusionfall. Oh god that game! It's amazing! Can't wait for the next sneak peek on friday. My friend and I are gonna have such a fun weekend! I'mma gonna get tanked up on Lucazade and kick Fusion ass! And maybe...If my dad uphold HIS end of the bargain: He'll rent REC for us. Horror movies STILL creep the crap outta me but hey! Sounds like a laugh!

Now onto the srs stuff, guyz! >:C

I'm think of posting up all the little drabbles and fiction shite I write up here. Good idea? I just can't be bothered with at the moment: Maybe if I feel one my fics are good enough. I'll post it up there. 8D

Anywho! On with revision y'all! I'll post a better blog next time. D:

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