Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Lucid dreams.

Disclaimer: This post is NOT about Lucid dreaming!..Mostly, I just had one this morning and it was one of the best dreams I've had in a long time, And for once there was minimal gore involved!

Well this has certainly been an interesting past...while. xD

Not been up to much save for schoolwork and Fusionfall. Oh god that game! It's amazing! Can't wait for the next sneak peek on friday. My friend and I are gonna have such a fun weekend! I'mma gonna get tanked up on Lucazade and kick Fusion ass! And maybe...If my dad uphold HIS end of the bargain: He'll rent REC for us. Horror movies STILL creep the crap outta me but hey! Sounds like a laugh!

Now onto the srs stuff, guyz! >:C

I'm think of posting up all the little drabbles and fiction shite I write up here. Good idea? I just can't be bothered with at the moment: Maybe if I feel one my fics are good enough. I'll post it up there. 8D

Anywho! On with revision y'all! I'll post a better blog next time. D:

Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Winter bordom.

That I am.

It's 5th period! The days pass so quickly now, Is is because of winter? No... It's because of idle chit-chat to idle people about meaningless things? No... It's becuase I'm so totally engrossed in Redemption!

Redemption, It's this novel I picked up in a charity shop for around £1 (Great value!) It's a crime thriller and I just can't put it down. It's keeping me totally glued to the pages.

And if I'm not reading that then I'm either doing my homework (Boring.) I have three essays for monday...Let's see if I can do them for friday,eh?! Or I'm drawing and practically eating my widget-baby (My mp3 player...My guidence teacher called it a widget..and I called it my baby..So the new name was born!)

I'm also finished my brand new Grim adventures/Underfist tribute! But youtube was being a ghey face last night and wouldn't upload it. I'm gonna try again today and bloody pray that it works! Gawdammit. xD

I came down with a spell of the winter blues on sunday night. So I was feeling pretty low for most if not all of Monday and most of tuesday. I'd just finished my period so I'm gonna blame that. I cheered up pretty quickly around lunchtime though when some little 3rd/4th year girl tried to bully me. She only comes up to my chesta nd she was trying to pick on me! I was laughing for the rest of the day...Infact I still am! Dear god...I love being me sometimes.

I'm cool. :B

Another thing, I'm totally getting a huge crush on a good friend of mine..I wanna throw a chair out of a window! I get over one crush and then another comes along! Wtf, I fail sometimes. xD If I ignore it, It'll go away. :3

Can't wait for the weekend! I'm not doing anything special...I just can't wait! I get to do whatever the hell I want and eat whatever I want whenever I want! I'm probably gonna fill my meter with South park stuff! Fanfiction etc etc. I'm probably gonna attempt some crappy fanart of Cartman and Butters too! I love that son of a bitch! XD

Monday, 10 November 2008

Woop woop!

Ukiyo-e (浮世絵, Ukiyo-e), "pictures of the floating world", is a genre of Japaneseand paintings produced between the 17th and the 20th centuries. it mostly featured landscapes, historic tales, theatre, and pleasure. Ukiyo is a rather impetuous urban culture that has bloomed in popularity. Although the Japanese were more strict and had many prohibitions it did not affect the rising merchant class and therefore became a floating art form that did not bind itself to the normal ideals of society.

People that chose Ukiyo-e art tend to be more simplistic yet elegant. They don't care much about new style but are comfortable in creating their own. They like the idea of living for the moment and enjoy giving and receiving pleasure. They may be more agreeable than other people and do not like to argue. They do not mind following traditions but are not afraid to move forward to experience other ideas in life. They tend to enjoy nature and the outdoors. They do not mind being more adventurous in their sexual experiences. They enjoy being popular and like being noticed. They have their own unique style of dress and of presenting themselves. They may also tend to be more business oriented or at the very least interested in money making adventures. They might make good entrepreneurs. They are progressive and adaptable.


Pointless blog entry between role-play posts, English homework, Drawing a comic and reading South park fanfiction.

I swear...KennyxAnyone is my anti-drug. xD

Over and out!

Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Updateu of the weeku desu~!

I'm high I think. I probably shouldnt've had a nutella and honey sandwich for lunch.

Just chillin' in the IT suite of the library before english class, Why I hear you ask!? Because I have nothing better to do: That's why. I COULD be doing homework! I have a personal study and a personal statement to hand in tomorrow. I COULD be drawing! I've been doing so all day [...I need a new sketchpad now, I'll probably buy one after school.] BUT NO: I decided to give the people of the interwebs something new to read and fap to instead of doing all that. Aren't I a doll? 8D

But yeah, Personal study and statement to do for tomorrow. Fudge. I probably won't finish both so I'll just do as much as I can for tomorrow before I leave for the holidays! Can't wait! I'll get to sleep in! I've missed my sleep so much, I'll probably feel a lot better after I've had a few good days of rest and relaxation with my friends and such.

Speaking of R & R [Although this has nothing to do with it.]: I'm going to Alton towers tomorrow night! Again I can't wait! I'll probably be even mopre tired afterwards as I can't sleep on coaches at all. I'm just gonna tank up on energy juice and go wild at the park, I'll go on all the rides and throw up everywhere! People though I was scared of rollercoasters Pfft. Shows how much they know!

Y'know what I am scared of though?...Horror movies! I love the buggers to bits and yet I still manages to jump a few times at Mirrors on Friday. I loved that movie! I can't believe it only got TWO stars at the reviews. Loads of Keifer eye candy in it! People critcied him for only playing characters of similar roles but in the words of my Keifer obsessed friend "At least he can play the role WELL!" She said something along those lines, can't remember exactly what. Ohwell, I laughed at the part where he was on fire, That was some funny shit mang.

I just watched most of the new Billy and Mandy spinoff on youtube last night: The Underfist! My god that was amazing! I just loved it to bits, I'll need to find the full and probably a better quality version soon so I can gather reference from it! I'm in the mood to draw some fanart! Watch out interwebs! Shield your delicate eyes!

Anywho, I've been rifling through the library of my imagination and I've pulled out two of my own favourite characters for a little check-up and clean up: Jane Doe and Kitten Jennings! I've revised their looks and backstories a little..Well, in Plain Jane's case I've actually made one up for her! I must say I think it's okay as backstories go myself, I'll need a second opinion though.

I'll probably post up a little more infomation about them later as the bell's about to go!

Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Spiders and Cake.

Spiders: I hate them.

Y'know what I also hate? People who don't read the desription of a picture. Fffft, That's one of my pet peeves: It makes them look stupid and the picture seem pointless. As the desc usually has SOME meaning people! Ahr, It's not even my own picture I'm talking about. It's a very good rant my friend posted as the description of her picture and no one even batted an eye-lid at it! Sheeeeesh, People are stupid. I'll rant on the journal later and see if they even look twice at it or something..I dunno, Possibly. xD

Anywho, On to another topic: I'm worried. What about you ask? My friend Morgan. She's going to doctors sometime this week about her mental health (depression, just plain out of itand whatnot.) and I'm worried sick about her! She's being harrassed by some people and I'm gonna give them hell for it when I catch them online again. Bloody pricks, They've started to get her all flustered and upset. I'm sick of people doing that to her, I told her all this last nighta nd she said that I sounded like her mother...I wasn't sure if that was a good thing but it made me giggle none the less.

And on another note: Happy birthday Chrys! She doesn't even read this but I thought I'd type it up somewhere! I'll post her giftart up here when I finish it for you and the rest of the interwebs to see, Hell: I'll probably post it up everywhere to maximise my chances of her seeing it before the day is out.

Ack, I'm so excited: I'm going to see Mirrors either on Saturday or Friday with my friends! They know who they are...I CAN SEE YOU, Y'KNOW. I can't wait for it though! Horror films scare the buhjeesus out of me but I love them all the same! And I get to rape Keifer Sutherland with my eyes, Purrrrrr. Why are all the actors the sexy ones?! The ones I don't have a chance with outside of my imagination! Murrr, Oh well. I still have my imagination and that's all that matters.

In other news: I'M BLOODY FREEZING! Why did the school boilers have to break down now?! Gas heaters suck! I'm gagging on the fumes and I can't concentrate in the blistering cold. Although, Art class wasn't as cold as I thought it would be. Probably because I was dancing with my friend most of the time...While tearing my shirt to pieces..I'll but mum isn't going to be too pleased with me. xD

Ah, I finally got Hercules on DVD today! I love that movie more than anything, I can't wait to watch it when I finally get my tv to myself. My mum keeps hogging to watch her austrailian soaps: Speaking of which...I wonder if the pyromaniac has been caught yet.

I really do wish that my cough would clear up and my sore throat would vanish. Then I could start singing again, I tried last night and nearly died of a coughing fit. I wanna polish up my voice again so that I can convince another friend of mine to start singing with me, I've only heard him sing once and he's fantastic...Though he denies it violently.

And finally, I've been churning away in my little head. Buring myself deep into my own little world full of magic and wonder and I've pulled out this!

Isn't she pretty? This is "Gasoline!" My new character [She's a bat by the way. Incase you didn't get that.] I've already made up a small story for her that I can't really be bothered posting here at the moment but I will let you in on a few things right now. She's a singer/songwriter and quite the pleasant little media whore, A little on the lonely side though.

Anywho! Onto my main problem: Colouration! I'm gonna post up the same sketch with a bit of colour slabbed onto it later just to see what you think.

But anywho! I'll do that later, Got work to do now! Ciao!

Tuesday, 2 September 2008

First post!

Well. It has finally come down to this.

I have caved in and gotten myself one of these new-fangled blog things, Curse you youngsters and your online diaries! I haven't even introduced myself yet: How rude of me! Oh well, First impressions are supposed to count so here goes nothing!

H, I'm Booky but as you may have already gathered: That is my screename. My real name is Amy, You may call me that if you wish but whichever is cool with me. I'm living out my life, Just trying to survive my last year at high school and just barely making it. I mean, That shithole depresses me to no end. It may just be the fact that it's my last year, Or that they don't give us the help they need, Or that I'm just feeling trapped and confined by that tiny school. The last is more than likely: I'd florish in a college atmosphere and I'd being doing things I love!

I'd love to work with children, Because despite what I say and do. I love the little beasts to bits. I'm probably gonna go for a childcare degree at stevenson and possibly do Illustration on the side. I haven't introduced you to my favourite hobby and one of my many passions of the moment: Drawing. I love to draw, Give me a pen and paper and I'll make the best I can with it. I may post up some work here but more than likely this place will be used for a rantbucket if something bad happens and I don't have the courage to talk to my friends.

I swear there's something wrong about that, I just can't seem to pluck up that little bit of extra courage to tell my friends when I'm truly feeling down, I'd love to! I know they'll make me feel better...Hell, I'm usually the first to complain about everything! So why can't I speak up? I feel embarrassed and around 2 inches tall when I do. I'm guessing it's just my HUGE pride getting in the way...Did I mention that I get distrated easily? I've veered right off topic. Where was I? Oh yeah! This place will be a mini-rant bucket as well as a boring journal! Have fun reading it!

Comment please, I'd love to hear your opinions on which-what-ever. xD